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Arabian Sadeen is a privately held real-estate investment company based in Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia. It is highly respected for stewardship and master-planning. With operations throughout the Middle East and Europe, Sadeen plans and brings to life balanced, sustainable communities with a full range of housing, job and retail centers, schools, recreation, and permanently preserved open spaces.

Comprising master planners, community builders, real-estate investors and asset managers, Arabian Sadeen is committed to long-term ownership and management of a high-quality portfolio, the breadth and quality of which is unmatched in the industry with each individual property positioned at the top of its class.

Arabian Sadeen currently has developments in design or construction in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, Egypt and Montenegro. Arabian Sadeen has two wholly owned subsidiaries: Soso Malta Real Estate operating in Malta and Dede operating in Spain.

The Architects

Chris Crosswell

CEO / Founder

Energistically seize team driven systems after an expanded array of mindshare. Objectively deploy high-payoff functionalities through cross-media scenarios. Collaboratively orchestrate intuitive strategic theme areas through superior human capital

Jenna Wright


Energistically seize team driven systems after an expanded array of mindshare. Objectively deploy high-payoff functionalities through cross-media scenarios. Collaboratively orchestrate intuitive strategic theme areas through superior human capital